Friday, July 2, 2010

Let Me Just Say...

that I am not blaming President Obama for the oil eruption down in the Gulf Of Mexico. Well, not personally, anyway. If he bought stocks in BP and if he turned his head to their lack of safety guidelines and ridiculous contingency plans, then he holds part of the blame. Personally, I think anyone holding a seat in the White House at any time in the last 12 years, is partially to blame.

Come on... Read the BP contingency plan that the Minerals Management Services read and Ok'd.

Search it on the internet. I did.

"BP PLC's 582-page regional spill plan for the Gulf, and its 52-page, site-specific plan for the Deepwater Horizon rig vastly understate the dangers posed by an uncontrolled leak and vastly overstate the company's preparedness to deal with one, according to an Associated Press analysis. The lengthy plans were approved by the federal government last year before BP drilled its ill-fated well."

(Excerpt borrowed from The Associated Press)

Our government reviewed and approved... These are the people that are in charge of our country. They engage us in wars, they make foreign policies... They review ill-conceived plans to deal with spills in another part of our country and approve the deepest well ever drilled in the most eco-sensitive waters on the planet.

This MMS is part of our own Government, and I believe that President Obama appointed the man who appointed this woman Deputy Administrator of Minerals Management Service - a department that monitors drilling and digging and just about anything to do with getting coal or oil or gas out of the earth.

"In the weeks since BP's Deepwater Horizon well started spewing into the Gulf of Mexico, there's been increasing attention to the "cozy" relationship between the Minerals Management Service (MMS) and the oil industry it's supposed to regulate. How cozy? Just last summer the Obama administration tapped a BP executive to serve as a deputy administrator for land and minerals management.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar last June appointed Sylvia V. Baca to the post, which did not require Senate confirmation. The appointment follows eight years at BP."

Things that make you go " Hmmm..."
Suddenly light bulbs come on and if it isn't plain, and clear, that BP had successfully planted a valuable liason into the cogs and wheels of the American government, then wipe the oil film off of your glasses.

Of course once the public got a good whiff of this dirty garbage, the White House started cleaning up and suddenly Ms Baca was resigning... But why? Nothing that she did caused the oil well to explode or to sink. I'm pretty sure that she was politely asked to consider resigning so that she wouldn't have to be fired which would surely have created a bit of scandal between her and her chief employer...

What she did NOT do was her duties, her job, what she was paid and appointed to do... which included, but was not limited to, pointing out grevious negligence, potential problems, nor did she employ astute and conscientious monitoring of current and future drillings in the Gulf and anywhere else in America or the waters that surround her. Gross negligence and dereliction of her duty.
1. Willful neglect, as of duty or principle.

She was hired to review and investigate the claims and promises, and the contracts that agencies wishing to potentially devastate our precious habitats submitted. In essence she blindly turned her eye away from the pages of BP's plans for dealing with oil spills in the Gulf that promised to protect Seals, Walruses, and Otters (Polar Bears, Penguins...)Red flags should have been flaring up and slapping her in the face.

Having worked for BP for 8 years, she had surely seen this before. Why she didn't call attention to the executives at BP that their "plan" wasn't designed to work in the Gulf, we may never know. But our own Federal Government ALSO reviewed and approved of those plans and gave BP the go ahead to drill the well last year.
Our President and his elected read  and missed crucial issues such as : "Among the glaring errors in the report: A professor is listed in BP's 2009 response plan for a Gulf of Mexico oil spill as a national wildlife expert. He died in 2005.

The plan lists cold-water marine mammals including walruses, sea otters, sea lions and seals as "sensitive biological resources." None of those animals live anywhere near the Gulf.

Someone said that they felt like the only technology that BP was capable of seriously using was the Xerox machine. They copied spill contingency plans from Exxon Valdez in the Alaskan oil spill.

So is President Obama guilty, or liable, for the BP disaster? Should we place any of the blame on him? Did he do his job and check her background? Did the red flags fail to fly or did he just not see them?
This is just classic Fox in the henhouse...and having someone hold open the door and roll out the red carpet for him/her to trot in on.

It doesn't matter now. The damage is done. All that is left to do now is watch the oil fill the Gulf, spread around the tip of Florida, and pollute the Atlantic coast from North to South. Have you ever been to the Everglades? The Everglades are the home of hundreds of unique species of plants and animals, including 67 threatened or endangered species. A mere 10 percent of the former wading birds that once inhabited the Everglades still exist today.

You might want to head on down there while it's still that magical, living, wildlife habitat that it is... It may not be there long.

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